Lisa Baker

Profile Updated: October 29, 2021
Residing In: Sedalia, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: Sharon Sjostrom (wife)
Occupation: Retired Neurorehab Occupational Therapist

Was invited to play volleyball @ CSU so started pre-season in Fort Collins CO August of 1981, and moved into an honors quad across from Moby Gym. By the next year the new VB recruits were very tall and long-legged, so I tried soccer (was terrible), found a top-notch softball league, and ultimately ended up in a rustic cabin about 30'' from school. Worked as a line cook at the famous Mishawaka and learned a ton! After I got my OT degree, I came back to Tucson to work at St Joe's for 2 years. I got my wish to return to CO when I was hired to work at Boulder Community Hospital, my second and last job that I absolutely loved. Lived all around Boulder, including in a 20s-vintage miner's cabin at 8,200 ft. Between then and now I learned how to: split wood and bank a fire, ride a motorcycle, ride mountain passes on a bicycle, telemark, garden at altitude, love and have my heart broken, travel internationally, sip some amazing craft beer, play the banjo (sort of), commit to a marriage and brand-new community, sail (or at least not fall overboard) feel incredible gratitude, find and love dear long-time friends, hold space for both parents when it was their time to move on, and maybe almost be at peace.

School Story:

I loved Sahuaro. I loved learning, playing volleyball for Miss Pauline Jordan (PJ) as a freshman, playing softball, singing in the choir, physics, AP English, being naughty in Latin class, long johns for breakfast, powder puff football, playing Queen on the boombox after winning softball games, and BTO before basketball games, our senior show. I've also realized that I was becoming aware of my true identity while in high school, where I felt pretty safe.

Funny memory: getting ready for a choir concert and my dress was nowhere to be found. Ended up putting on a suit (stinky polyester boy smell) and standing with the tenors.

Shock and awe memory: winning the student/athlete of the year award. I remember picking up the phone that evening and hearing the person from the paper congratulate me. What, wait? I continue to feel and hopefully share all that gratitude.

Lisa's Latest Interactions

Lisa Baker posted a message.
Oct 30, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Mr Lane, will I see you tonight?

Lisa Baker added a photo to her profile gallery.
Oct 29, 2021 at 8:17 AM
Lisa Baker updated her profile. View.
Sep 12, 2021 at 3:46 PM
Posted: Oct 29, 2021 at 8:17 AM